
Inventory module manages the hospital inventory of medical supplies, surgical supplies and lab & radiology items stocked by the hospital stores. The inventory module is integrated with all financial modules such as Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and General Ledger as well as relevant modules such as Nursing station, Medical Department, OR and Pharmacy.


MIMSYS Inventory has a well-defined workflow for inventory procurement and material issue. Multiple stores can be defined and facility to attach sub stores to nursing stations, OR and departments.


  1. Tracks the movements of individual items in the hospital. Store wise document numbering can be generated for all transactions.
  2. Batch and expiry date wise stock can be maintained.
  3. Supports multiple segments. Map to UN Medical Inventory codes.
  4. Cost of goods sold tracked for every issue. Supports multiple stores, multiple price lists and vendor wise item setup.
  5. Combination of one-to-many material requisitions to one-to-many Purchase Orders.
  6. Supports store wise item setup and stock. Mapping of relationship between Pharmacy item and Inventory items.
  7. Analysis utility.

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