Electronic Health Record (EHR)

MIMSYS EHR helps the physician in handling all his day to day activities like viewing the list of appointments, capturing diagnosis for patients, online ordering of investigation procedures, drugs etc. The doctors can record and view the patient medical details for both OP & IP and review Diagnostic results online.

The Comprehensive OP and IP EHR specialties help doctors to capture data at discrete element level with integrated E&M Coding. Doctors can record and view patient medical details through Mobile Apps.

The System follows the SOAP process (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) and as part of subjective the doctor can view and record the chief complaints, family history, social history, Allergies, history of present illness with all HPI Elements captured at discrete level along with review of systems. The Physical Examination for specialty specific or general systemic can be captured and record at a discrete level.

The EHR automates and streamlines the clinician’s workflow. The EHR has the ability to generate a complete record of a clinical patient encounter. EHR helps the doctors to improve the quality of care, Reduction in medical errors, fast access to information and improving work flow and productivity

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